A MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM, opera a cappella now available at Albany Records

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Steveport Opera

Old friend Steve Aiken is running Shreveport Opera and has gotten them back in the black. They do one performance only of each opera at the downtown Riverview Theater. The Riverview has an orchestra pit that is literally padded with shag carpet not only on the floor but up the walls. Also pictured is Dr. Bartolo, Steven Condy, who has done over twenty productions and eighty performances of the pompous, comic character. Alas, he's not up to that many productions of my BUOSO'S GHOST yet. 

If you ever get to Shreveport, don't miss the Louisiana restaurant Herby-K's and also the Red River National Wildlife Refuge across the river in Bossier (BOZ-yer). 

Thanks to a great cast and a fine chorus and orchestra, the BARBER OF SEVILLE should go very well on October 27th. Shreveport Opera has an exemplary outreach program and a talented group of young artists to service it. 

Friday, October 5, 2012

Opera America Songbook

Opera America has opened its new headquarters, and to celebrate that event, they have commissioned a bunch--more like a platoon--of composers and lyricists to create "home" themed songs. They have been collected, recorded, and published. A massive undertaking! You can find out more about it on their website. For the next few years, proceeds will go to Opera America to help raise funds for the opera center project.

I spoke to Robert Ward the other day about his contribution which was adapted from his opera, LADY FROM COLORADO. Bob is in his mid nineties!

Cabaret anyone?

Jennifer Peterson of OperaMission is encouraging composers, lyricists and singers to collaborate on a project she's calling New Cabaret. It's kind of a contest, but that isn't really the main point. The official rules can be found here. "Cabaret" is defining itself as it goes along. Subject matters look to be wide ranging and often, but not exclusively, they are on the lighter side. Jennifer really wants entrants to tweet to #newcabaret, so the process is out in the open--a learning and collaborating opportunity for all. But non-tweeters can probably find ways to work around this. We will all be convening in New York at her home space, the very hip Gershwin Hotel in early January to present our efforts. I will be doing a few of my non-classical cabaret songs. Baritone and composer Michael Weyandt is also participating.