With the second year of the live telecasts from the Metropolitan Opera, the recent production of La Scala's AIDA, and the announcement of San Francisco Opera getting into the mix, opera is descending on the multiplex. In general, regional opera companies are embracing the phenomenon as one that will educate, enrich and enlarge the audience for opera everywhere.
If we do it right, it'll be like Starbucks coming into a community and actually driving up sales at independent coffee shops, and not like Wal-Mart killing off mainstreet hardware stores and five and dimes. Check out the story about Starbucks online at Slate.
Michael Ching's blog, pondering music, opera, and where and how it fits in, particularly in the regions. Lots of helpful links down the righthand side.
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Friday, December 28, 2007
Mr. Tater

Thank Congress for Supporting NEA Increase
Congress has approved a $20 million dollar increase for the National Endowment for the Arts. I have mixed feelings about the NEA. Historically, more money goes to the big companies in the big cities. I wish they'd pass more through directly to the state arts commissions. Still, it is a good thing, so find your congressman and thank them. The Americal Arts Alliance has some text you can use.
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Macbeth Costumes

Our upcoming Opera Memphis production of Verdi's opera Macbeth features costumes from our own stock.
Costumes turn out to be as valuable as scenery in regional opera. We are saving thousands of dollars thanks to the purchase of the large costume inventory from Pro Eto costumes in Austin.
Our production at the end of January will feature traditional costumes and a non-traditional, abstract set.
By the way, the Scottish Play superstition about Macbeth is associated with Shakespeare's play and not Verdi's opera. Our production is actually underwritten by a descendant of Macbeth, Andrew Macbeth Clarkson. So as far as I can tell, Macbeth is good luck as far as we're concerned.
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Robert Orth
One of my favorite singers is baritone Robert Orth. He has a wicked sense of humor. Check out his dark biography.
Happy Holidays
Songwriter Hugh Moffatt, who has written three operas and a handful of songs with me, provided me with this poem which we turned into a song LIGHTS OF CHRISTMAS.
It is sung here by baritone Mark Walters.
It is sung here by baritone Mark Walters.
Last weekend I attended a holiday party in Clarksdale, Mississippi hosted by John Ruskey who runs Quapaw Canoe Company. Quapaw's trips on the river are truly a local treasure. John used to run the Blues Museum in Clarksdale and several of his friends played at the festivities.
The most unusual was Mr. Tater. The best way to describe his work is "outsider blues." Instead of three chords there was only one and much of his singing was incomprehensible. Instead of boring, I found his work to be hypnotizing. You were free to imagine the lyrics... Check out a brief sample of his music.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Center for Contemporary Opera
Check out what James Paulk has to say about opera and new opera in Atlanta. He feels correctly that small companies have a key role to play in new operas. Here in Memphis Susan Leinert and her husband Michael Leinert have started Chamber Opera Memphis
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Outside a club in Syracuse
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Pathways to a Premiere
This weekend, Opera America, our field service organization, has organized an ambitious conference for composers in Syracuse. We have gathered to help, advise, and encourage, emerging opera composers.
For composers, "emerging" can be challenging. Opera composing involves both musical skills, dramaturgical creativity, and even lyric crafting. One has to combine realistic advice with encouragement.
Syracuse turns out to be delightful in early winter. The picture is of Clinton Square in downtown. The Erie canal used to flow where the Christmas tree is. There is a skating rink in the foreground. Syracuse Opera's youthful and energetic new Musical Director, Doug Kinney-Frost took me to L'Adour. It's a French restaurant with terrific quiche.
Monday, December 3, 2007
Auditions at Riverside Church
Saturday, December 1, 2007
For the past two days, we have had auditions in New York from 10-6. We audition at the Riverside Church on the Upper West Side. Good weather made for very smooth auditions. There are always cancellations and there are also "crashers" folks without an appointment who hope to be slipped in. This time, the cancellations and the crashers balanced each other out perfectly and we rarely had any wasted time. Auditions are in ten minute increments. Unlike Broadway auditions--sixteen bars and done at preliminary cattle calls--we give our singers about ten minutes. It is our job to prescreen them so that there are no dreadful singers. Dreadful singers are a waste of everyone's time and money.
Larry Marshall, who will direct our TREEMONISHA next season, came up for the auditions. Today he had to leave to do his two performances--matinee and evening--of THE COLOR PURPLE on Broadway.
Larry Marshall, who will direct our TREEMONISHA next season, came up for the auditions. Today he had to leave to do his two performances--matinee and evening--of THE COLOR PURPLE on Broadway.
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